Add Text Watermark

Many apps offer a Text Watermark feature, allowing you to embed customized text directly onto your photos or documents.

  • This adds a layer of protection or identification to your digital content.

  • A watermark subtly reinforces your brand identity every time your content is shared. By including your name, logo (in text form), or website address, you gain passive brand exposure with each view.

  • Text watermarks excel at conveying internal information. Adding "Draft," "Confidential", or "Sample" can prevent accidental leaks or ensure everyone's working on the latest version of a document.

  • Unlike image watermarks, text watermarks can be subtle and minimally disruptive to the visual content. They effectively add a layer of protection without compromising aesthetics.
  1. Select a Text Watermark

    On the Editor, tap on the Text button to open the Text Panel.

  2. Open the Text Editor

    On the Text Panel, tap on the Add button. This will pop up the Text editor for typing.

  3. Type Watermark Text

    Type your text.

  4. Confirm Your Changes

    Tap on the Confirm button.